Daisypath Wedding tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Those round things... aka wedding bands

A friend of mine who has the blog I love you much had tweeted (status updated) about rings today looking to find a way to find the one she wants cheaper.  We've experienced the same issue.  See...  I'm set on getting our wedding bands from Tiffany's too.  Why?  Well long story short Josh and I have this "breakfast at Tiffany's" connection (I'll mention some other time).  And a while back, we thought it would be all so cute to get Tiffany's rings to remind us of the time we started dating after long last.  The thing is...  we would want to get platinum rings.  Now I don't need diamonds in the ring as I'm more of a simple person.  Plus I don't need anything that might shred my lab gloves (Extreme safety hazard when working with HIV + blood).  But I did like the LucidaBezet and Novo Band styles.  That was until I saw the prices that were all near or over $1000 for each band.  On our rather tight budget that can't happen.  So we came up with this alternative.  For the time being, we would get simpler and cheaper bands.  We would get one of their simple silver bands that run around $100 and use those as our wedding rings.  Then when we get the money to get fancier bands 5-10yrs down the road, pick those up.  Unless we are just content with our simple silver bands such as these Frank Gehry ones [ Torque Wide and Narrow ].  =)

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